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Musical Chairs, Going to Jerusalem

Running in circles,

when the music stops:

find a seat or you’re out.

This Game is known as

Musical Chairs, Going to Jerusalem

or in German Reise nach Jerusalem.

Daydreaming… I’m off. I’m going.

Stop squatting on your rock – still, unmoving.

Take a day off. Or many?

Go with your best friend and run.

Ready, steady, go!

Did I have this dream before?

The holy city in the holy land,

firmly bricked to the ground *,

a tourist’s souvenir,

touring the world.

* „Fest gemauert in der Erden“ /

„firmly bricked to the ground“

(F. Schiller, the bell)



2016 –  2017 part of the „Kunstautomaten“ at the Jewish Museum in Berlin / Germany  curated by Gelia Eisert
2006 –  2007 Videoland  gallery “Artneuland” in Berlin / Germany  curated by Yael Katz Ben Schalom
2005 Land(e)scapes “Agripas 12″ Gallerie, in Jerusalem / Israel / curated by Yael Lepek


 Exposé of an imaginary journey by Birgit Glatzel and Benjamin Seide / 2005 / video, 3:30 min